Tuesday, October 23, 2007

i know, i know...

i have been neglectful.

please accept my apologies.

i wish i had some sort of deep, meaningful and inspiring message to make up for my absence.
but alas, i do not.

well, maybe:

"i don't know" seems to be showing up more and more and more and more. and more. i am uncertain if i am able to stress that to any degree of satisfaction.

there is so much we do not see and so much that we do not comprehend that it is, at times, overwhelming -- difficult-to-breath overwhelming.

the universe is so much more expansive than the limits of our own vision.
maybe it is time to start acting as though that is the case.

Friday, October 05, 2007

a sick sense of humor

hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, noun, the fear of long words.

let that ruminate for a moment in your mind.
though i doubt the existence of this phobia, think of the of the cruel nature of the person who came up with this word.