Sunday, June 17, 2007


- sometimes the most well intentioned people can be the most harmful.

- at the end of the day, i look at the day's events one by one and wonder what i could have done differently. and a lot of the time i quit half way through.

- i like the scars i have from my childhood injuries. it makes me feel like it was somewhat normal.

- my strangest dreams occur just as i am waking up for the day and i often have trouble discerning them from reality.

- many people think i'm rather smart... which is rather puzzling as i've never felt like i am nor have i ever felt like i have acted as though i am.

- i like to fall asleep reading.

- i feel most comfortable when it is quiet... and i am in bed... and have just come out of a deep sleep... just before dawn.

- i have a particularly good long term memory and often hear a friend or family member tell the same story twice. but, i rarely stop them from telling it again. i love the sound of the voices of my family and friends.

- when i learn that my family has gathered or is gathering without me... i usually get pretty sad about it.

- i grew up in the same town and same house my entire life. usually, when i share this the listener is quite impressed. i used to be jealous of people who moved around a lot. i'm not anymore.

- i use the number keypad on the right side of the keyboard exclusively. i never use the numbers that are above the letters. i'm not sure why this is so.


thispresentsojourn said...

-your thoughtfulness is admirable. your concerns are substantial and i know that i know that many of them are common to me.

-my number-pad-exclusivity can only persist during work hours due to laptop-limitations.

Anonymous said...

Many people never find their purpose, yet you just revealed your destiny to me. Your keypad exclusivity clearly means, if I'm channeling my inner Miss Cleo properly, that you need to be a cashier at Whole Foods and come work with moi.